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How to Write an Effective Follow-up Email Template

How to Write an Effective Follow-up Email Template

One of the most important components of effective customer service is a good follow-up process. A follow-up email template can help you create and maintain an effective system to ensure your customers are always kept in the loop as they journey toward resolution with your company. In order to avoid confusion or miscommunication, though, it’s important to write your template in the correct way. Here’s how to write an effective follow-up email template so that you have the best chance of happy customers who become repeat buyers or refer their friends and family members to your business.

Step 1: State The Problem

First, give a quick recap of the issue that was presented. A friendly reminder can go a long way. For example, We noticed you have not received your last three order confirmations by email. Have you checked your spam folder?

Second, provide instructions on how to avoid this problem in the future. You could suggest solutions such as setting up automatic email updates or selecting a different email service provider that automatically sends order confirmations. Finally, ask if there is anything else you can do for them and offer your help in any way possible.

Step 2: Offer Assistance

It looks like you’re still experiencing some issues with your item. As a member of our Customer Service Team, I’m here to help. Please send us a photo of the damaged area and we’ll see what can be done. Again, thank you for notifying us about this problem and allowing us the opportunity to rectify the situation. We appreciate your business!

*Include a link here* Your IssueResolution Email Template is now complete. Remember to review it before sending it out in order to avoid any spelling or grammar errors that may occur in your email. Your customer will appreciate you taking the time to take care of their concerns and will also likely keep coming back as loyal customers!

Step 3: Give Them Options

The last step in issue resolution is following up. When a customer has had the time and necessary resources to resolve the issue they can write you back with a solution. You’ll want to take their solution into consideration and see if it will work. If it does, reply back with this sentence: Thank you for your follow-up. I am glad that you were able to find a satisfactory resolution on your own. Make sure not to be dismissive or discourage them from contacting you again in the future! If they weren’t able to find a solution themselves, let them know about your company’s resolution process by telling them this sentence: Thanks for letting me know about this problem. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and would be happy to help fix the problem.

Step 4: Ask Questions

An Issue Resolution email template is designed to communicate the fact that your customer has contacted you and/or left feedback, describe how you’re going to fix the issue they brought up, and lastly thank them for bringing it up. You can find templates online or use this as a guide:

The below text should be included in your follow-up email: Thank you for contacting us about your recent purchase from ABC Company! We apologize if we were unable to meet your expectations. We would like to work with you on fixing the issue so please fill out the form at ____ with any questions, comments, or concerns that may help us address the matter better. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Thank you for contacting us about our recent service call at 1234 Main Street! We apologize if we were unable to meet your expectations. Please fill out the form at ____ with any questions, comments, or concerns that may help us address the matter better. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Step 5: Tell Them What To Do Next

I hope you have found this Issue Resolution email template helpful. We appreciate your business and we look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any further questions, please contact us at 800-888-8889 ext. 3336 or by email at I wish the best for you and I thank you for contacting customer service with the intention of reaching a solution. Thank you again for bringing this issue to our attention! Please feel free to reach out if there is anything else we can do. I hope you have found this Issue Resolution email template helpful. We appreciate your business and we look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any further questions, please contact us at 800-888-8889 ext.

Step 6: Close With Another Question

Hopefully this has helped you feel confident in your ability to write a follow-up email. At the very least, hopefully, this has been helpful and you’ve found some interesting tidbits that you can apply elsewhere. If I can be of any more help at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and learn how to write an effective follow-up email template! If you enjoyed this post, please share it with others who might find it useful as well.

I hope you found these steps helpful! As always, if there’s anything else I can do to help or if you have any questions, please let me know by contacting me at.

Example Email Template

Dear Mr. Campbell,

Thank you for your patience while we took the time to resolve your issue. We are happy to inform you that we have worked through this and your system is now up and running at full capacity. If there is anything else you need assistance with, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime at 1-800-927-9898 or email our customer service team at We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again in the future.

Sincerely, Sudden Service

Yours Truly, John Doe